Pushup Detector Maker Project, Youtube Video
Pushup Detector

“A borderline insane idea”

This was my favorite quote when it was described. A system that locks you out of your computer and only allows you to log back in after doing some pushups. The pushups are detected by an OAK-1 and a raspberry pi. This was a fun project to make and by far generated the most media response!

You can find the github repository here and a detailed write-up on how it was done here.

The highlight of this project was being talked about by the Nerdland podcast! A while later I had the honor to present the project for 2000+ people on the Nerdland festival. Definitely a highlight of my career so far :D

Official RaspberryPi.com post

Hackaday Article

Hackster Article

Toms Hardware Article

Toms Hardware Top Projects

Adafruit Blog